Monday, June 6, 2011

Rattlesnake Ledge

Wasn't this weekend gorgeous? The sun and mid-70s was just perfect!  We didn't have any adventures planned, so it was one of those wing it weekends.  

We woke up Saturday morning and headed out into the sunshine. Greg was eager to break in his new hiking boots so we headed up Rattlesnake Ledge.

It was our first time out there this year. I was expecting mud, but the trail was surprisingly dry. We got there relatively early (10am) but still had to park about 1/4 mile back from the trail head. By the time we were done, cars were parked everywhere.

We hiked up with lots of families. Greg was eager to go faster, but I was very content going at the kid pace. I was busy checking out all the baby backpacks/carriers/tricks for future use.

The view from the top was breath-taking. The lake was so blue. It reminded me of the ocean in Fiji.

Greg wanted to keep going another 2 miles to the East Peak, but I was too tired :)

There were lots of other Seattle-ites enjoying the sun from the Ledge.

And when I say lots I mean A LOT!

It sure felt good to stretch our legs and enjoy the fresh mountain air. Next on our list is Mt. Si.

Do you hike around Seattle? What are your favorite trails? I'd Love to hear your recommendations.

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