This morning when I logged on to facebook I was met with more than just friends wishing me a fabulous birthday. The following is courtesy of best friend Erin.
This is my best friend in the whole wide world, this is Emily Elizabeth-Like the cute little girl in the Clifford the Big Red Dog books.This is the two of us before our Senior Prom. Little did we know that we would go our separate ways but still remain life-long friends.
This is Homecoming Spirit Week, our Senior Year of High School.This is in pottery class, she always brought me a bag of peanut M&Ms, otherwise I would just eat all of hers. We broke Matt Carpenters canoe in this class. Aaaaaa when life was simple and all we had to do was paint pots and eat M&Ms and break canoes...
This is Halloween 2002. We decided to dress up as My Little Ponies. Emily's mom sewed our hooves on. We bought two wigs, one for our head and one for our... We won the costume contest hands down and then "neighed, neighed!" and galloped down all the hallways during lunch.
This is us rollerblading on the coastal trail. Emily is one of the most intelligent people that I have encountered however her eye-hand coordination can be a bit wacky at times which is why she is armed with more padding than the rest of us. haha Love you Ems ;) She rocked it down that first hill though, right between a moose's legs!!
Keywords: Paris. Baggette, wine,cheese, bikes, water bursts from ceiling, creepy front desk guy...
This is Moose's Tooth. Our favorite pizza place on the planet. What we order EVERYtime: 2 plates of mozzarella bread sticks, *insert some salad, moose pie (a line must be drawn down the middle of the pie because Emily always eats my half!!) Emily also is a nazi about our water glasses being full-she is convinced that the waitress is trying to cause us to die of thirst.And never forget "peepers" the creepy pizza maker.
This is Christmas at Meechelles ( my moms) just want to squeeze your beautiful face!! She read The Polar Express to my whole family on Christmas eve. This will be a continued tradition when she starts having babies..ah-hem.
Bright-eyed and bushy tailed 17 year old girls :)
This is prior to one of the hundreds of dances we went to back then. Dress swaps, curling each others hair, doing each others make-up, stuffing our bras (Jk..). I think It had more fun getting ready than at the actual dance. Ems you are amazing.
Prom, Prom, Prom!Emily's mom made her pink dress-isn't it beautiful!?! We wear purple and pink a lot i just noticed. (see our unicorn/my little pony costumes) Glad everyone cleaned off the grease (ah hem)
Charlies!!! So excited to be with my bestie on a cruise in France.
2003 Graduation!!! I look like a dweeb. But Ems you look fab. This is when you took a chance and chopped all your hair off-so cute :)
Emily! Emily!Emily!! This is xcountry regionals. I'm grateful for my best friend because she is also my best supporter (and Bretta too;)) there were many supporting events that we were in previous to this. I first met you in a swimming pool when I was like 11 and you mooned my step dad. Straight up MOONED my step dad at soccer practice. That's how she rolls folks-completely unpredictable!!
Erin and Emily do Mikes fat Bike Tours in Paris. Em I'm not going to say another word about your coordination skillz buuuut I love you and you rang that bell on your bike every time you saw some couple smooching on a bench
Future Golden Girls. Cant you see it:Porch swing. Sun setting. pink lemonade. Laughing at good times in the past :) I love you!!
You're the only one who looks cute in this photo but you looked cute with little Bella and Rudolph aaaahhhhaaaaaa ;)
Barcelona. "Aqua, cerveza, Coca Cola, Coca Cola lite" Emily went topless on the beach, I peeled like a disgusting lizard on the plane ride home. We layed on the beach for 3 straight days then went back home to work at Nordstroms for the summer. Emily was like employee of the month all the old ladies loooved buying stuff from her. Me in the lingerie department- not so good, they hid me in the stock room.
This is before xmas Cotillion dance. The ladies preparing for another dance out on the town. Notice Im the only one wearing 4 inch heels Inside. None of the dresses we are wearing are our own. haha.
Conclusion: Emily you have made my days brighter and filled with laughter for a long time. Anyone would be grateful to have you as a friend and I'm grateful to have you as my best friend. You're brilliant, kind, hysterical, thoughtful, and just an amazing human being. Thank you for holding my hand when Ive cried, making me laugh just by looking at me, and talking me through every predicament that I find myself in. You've made a beautiful life for yourself with an amazing man and two kittens, and I'm so happy for you! Happy Birthday Emily Elizabeth, I will be there for you until the very end :) xoxo Charlie
I cried my eyes out and cracked up at all our funny jokes and memories. It was the best way to start out my birthday. And a great reminder that the best things in life aren't things. Thank you Erin.
Off to celebrate another year in the books and a million more adventures to come. xoxo