Friday, November 5, 2010


I can't believe it is already November. The last 9 months have flown by with wedding planning. Its been a very cozy week on the eastside. The leaves are all changing and air has been very crisp (the rain is coming). Greg and I have been busy talking about all the exciting things that are coming up in the next few months.

We're going to have our first thanksgiving as husband and wife at home, just the two of us. We might do the turkey trot 5k on Thanksgiving morning, and then we are going to chef it up all day and watch the parade. On Friday, we are headed out of the country for the second time in 6 weeks. This time we are headed north to Canada (I know it doesn't really count). We're going to Victoria for the weekend and staying here. We're going to have high tea and poke around for the weekend.

December kicks off a busy month with apple cup, Tom's graduation, Greg's family Christmas, and a trip to the great white north for the 25th. I love Christmas, and can't wait to do all the holiday festivities with my hubby- Christmas cards, our first tree, looking at the lights, Christmas shopping, elf!!

Last Christmas with the Ivy Ladies

We are heading north for the weekend to spend some time with our future nephew (and his parents) and Greg's brother in law. The boys are going hunting, and the ladies (and future nephew) are watching Sex and the City 2 and some nursery planning. Only 3 more months until the peanut arrives!

And, my not so little peanuts turned one last weekend! I can't believe how big they are. Zip has been having trouble sleeping through the night (ie: so have we), but we sure do love those little kitties. For their birthday they got new cat toys (thanks M&N) and a full food dish.

Milo & Zip February 2010

Psst. We are in super saver mode getting ready for our first house, but I really, really want to treat myself to a pair of these. I will totally need them once we have a house, and might as well start to break them in a little early ;)

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